Sunday, May 16, 2010

more fixies

nice graffiti

HED3 rims, head over to Cartimar

A heroes welcome for Jollibee

My recent acquisition

toe clips, toe straps, tubes, and grips

Tour of the Fireflies and the fixie guys

Tour of the fireflies is an annual gathering of bicycle riders, wanting to promote bicycle riding in the city and to educate people specially drivers to be aware that they're not the only ones using the road. It's estimated that close to 10 thousands bicycle riders (including 7 fixies) participated in the said event. If you're interested in the cause go to their site:

It feels like Christmas

My box arrived with some of the parts i ordered from (Chari & Co.). Need to update my checklist.

spare ride

Saturday, March 20, 2010


Next on the list: Spank 'half link' chain.


Hopefully, I can now use this headset (which I purchased last year) for my next build.

Bike list

This is my first bicycle part on my "next bike" list, It's a Tree Lite 44 sprocket. I just got this today directly delivered from the US to my condo, I'm so glad that I didn't have to go through customs and pay a unnecessary/no legitimate computation of fees.

Next bike

This is my next bike project. I've always been inclined on a trick bike instead of a track bike, that's why I want this Gorilla kilroy frame. Hopefully I can get one because most of the sites selling this frame are always out of stock.


Our tribute tee to the greatest boxer in Philippine history. Also see:

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

BIKE CHECK from Singapore

Alex from Singapore sent me these photos of his newly built fixi. Alex is so fortunate to have nice (not so moonlike surface) roads in Singapore.

Fixie for Sale

One of my fixie friends is selling his bike, his name is Christopher Gannon, if you're interested and want to inquire or see the specs of the bike just follow this link:

Are you interested in bicycle films?

Julo of Commune Manila wrote:
THE REVIVAL Official MNL premiere, showing of MASH SF,
booze, bikes and popcorn.

See you guys next week, Saturday.
Trick-track-booze-bikes & popcorn,

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Cory simpsonized

This is our second installment for our brand DOS. Just in time for the 24th celebration of EDSA People Power, and the girls are liking it.

Retro style

While I was driving (take note driving, not riding) I happened to passed by this small shop located at J. Ruiz MRT station in Aurora Bloulevard. They specialize in old style bicycle and has a lot of used parts. So if you're into this type of ride it's worth checking it out. On a side note the one in the photo is not for sale.

U lock

Found this (of all places) in a car accessories shop. It's cheap but I think it will do it's intended purpose.

2 Brooklyn natives that i love


I recently attended the presidential debate (actually it's more of a Q&A) hoping that I can scrutinize the candidates through their answers and demeanor. but while i was outside waiting in line I've notice that politics in the Philippines specially when it comes to campaigning hasn't changed, they still approach it like their selling fish in the market, whoever has the loudest, most colorful, grabbing attention gimmick can win the electorates vote. Fuck! why am I talking about politics this is a bike blog.

Random bike users

The little kid with the BMX bike with a cigarette and beer is not really a kid she's just wasted and confused.

vynil on vynil

I went to this new place in Makati where they sell expensive vynil toys, collectible prints and painting. one of the artist of the toys was there and signed some stuffs making them more expensive.