Sunday, January 3, 2010

D.I.Y. part 2

As I mentioned from my previous blog I wasn't really amuse with my D.I.Y. bmx style handlebar so I bought this new Blkmrket "badaboom" white handlebar. I already tried it and I was satisfied with my ride.

Friday, January 1, 2010

Tiger Year!!!

Scenes from the first few minutes of 2010. Happy New Year!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

WARNING!: drool worthy image

Ladies and gents... Gino's WICKED new "Leader" frame. I had to contain myself from hitting Gino's head with my bike so that I could steal his bike.

D.I.Y. part 1

I have decided to make my fixie look like a large version of a BMX, so I got excited when I found this BMX style handlebar in Cartimar. I prep it up for paint because I wanted the color white, but unfortunately everything went wrong from there. First is the color, the FLAT white colored handle bar looked like a fossilized bone, second is the size of the handle bar, and it looked too small for my bike. To be continued...

start early

I still remember my sister riding one of these. I also remember seeing what I think is a ghost of a kid riding this type of bicycle while I was walking towards my car in my officemate's parking lot.


Went to Divisoria (the bootleg capital of the Philippines) to buy some materials for a personal project, then passed by Cartimar to look for bicycle parts. I also got some pretty interesting images.